Toay I went to a city council meeting about drilling of Marcellus Shale to extract Natural Gas. Flying in the face of all kinds of violence against people and the earth, all these "experts" and "representatives" of one kind or another talked about the economic benefits and job creation, without ever entertaining the idea that we didn't have to do it. That it is possible that the corporations who own these contracts to peoples land are not more powerful than us people. The experts talked about adding more safety staff members and tightening regulations. And all the environmental groups have signed on as this being the solution. And Tim who works for Penn Environment is a robot lecturing me about grassroots organizing and how this is the best solution, and I'm like, "Tim, this isn't good enough for me."
And when I went to watch movies in the park (and the movie preview showing at all the city parks), I was shown a preview of keeping Pennsylvania Rivers beautiful, coupled with believing in Marcellus Shale drilling in this weird Utopia water flowing video. At the Movie! In the Park!
Straight Bullshit. The people in North Central Pennslvania no longer have access to drinking water because their wells have been contaminated. And Mr. Trimmer says while being talked around like he was a piece of furniture by energy planning people, he heard them say, "we will tell them that our waste water deposited goes below the water table. Uh HUH. Hello!!!!!!
But what I really wanted to say at that meeting was, "IT IS OBVIOUS THAT ALL OF YOUR STAFF AND REGULATIONS ARE NOT GOING TO STOP CORPORATIONS FROM KILLING EVERYTHING." I am reassessing my place in the cold cruel world, but still not entertaining the idea of giving birth. Fumin'
tooker avenue
6 years ago
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