I just got new bangs. Ocean said, "Amanda do you know your bangs are crooked? You could use a comb to straighten them out." And I said, "I don't think I have a comb." And Ocean said, "We have three combs and Ray is always wanting to get rid of one." And Jude said, "Why don't you two fight? I want to be entertained." And Ray said, "Look at that little bird." And Oshy said, "Nice subject change Ray." And O'Ryan said, "I want there to be a post-rock band that plays all of my favorite rock duet ballads." And I said, "Just you wait. Maybe it will happen." And O'Ryan said, "Maybe I could be the front man for that band." And I said, "Maybe I could be the back man. Whatever that means." And O'Ryan said, "Amanda. With bangs like that, you could do anything."