June 8, 2010

Mom's day 2010

I just had a mom's day. It involved talking with many moms on the phone. I talked with an old old wiry mom who connected with a young young scared person. I talked with a strong mom who walked the dog with me and lulled me into her house and bedroom, descibing her husband turning over and waving to her in bed. I got a text message from my own mom, in what seemed like a small reaching out. A small asking for support. A small progression. I read about Rhonshawn's mom and how his relationship with her is the foundation of our differences. I talked with O'Ryan and T about moms who are controlling in the kitchen. Don't do this, don't touch that, shut up, shut up, shut up. About the kids in the food stamp office and the library who are yelled at for everything that isn't anything. The victims and the kids of the victims. So yeah. Hooray for moms.

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