July 25, 2012

Second String Abe Lincoln

Come by and sit for a bit, there is some food on the stove.
hesitant tomato mouth sinking into the dirt,
cars are okay conversation, yes?

your short legs glide over the windowsill
into an inaugural chimney sit.
we came here for a reason
and it isn't to smoke cigarettes.
heartbreak revealed and understood.
moving forward regardless,
curious, but cautious.

something basic got fucked along the way or
all along the way.
you learned affection can't be measured by projections of gravities of loss.
you learned mutuality is the end goal, the elusive happening.
I learned a synonym for great is "galaxy-class".
I learned your story is all too common.
I take a breath and consider.

the cupboard holds the remainders of
sticky s'mores galore.
the water ran brown in the sink off my hands.
I fear those marshmallows are endless.

In a moment I will open a book
and see how Nikki Giovanni wrote that Gwendolyn Brooks wrote
"But common things surprise us."
I don't know why I like you, but I do.

We're dynamos you and me,
characters ripe for comic books.
One romantic gesture leads to the next.

Did you know? or
How could you ever have known?

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